January 20, 2020
Spring 2020
6501 Stanley Ave
To commemorate Martin Luther King Day 2020, students from Youth Crossroads and Morton West High School are teaming up to create “The 2020 Inclusion Project,” a mural celebrating Berwyn’s cultural vibrancy.
This project is made possible through the generous support of BMO Harris Bank. The mural, which will be installed on the new Youth Crossroads building, 6501 Stanley Avenue in Berwyn, is being developed in partnership with the Berwyn Development Corporation, the Berwyn Public Art Initiative, Morton West High School and AmeriCorps Member Ryan Arnold.
The lead artists on the project are local community artist Antonia Ruppert, and Rob Moriarty, fine art teacher, Morton West High School, who was recently named the 2019 Illinois Art Educators Association's Secondary Art Teacher of the Year.
Since December 3, 2019, students had participated in workshops to learn about Dr. King’s life and legacy in the social justice movement, the history and traditions of social justice murals, and art as a tool for community development.
On December 3rd, the first workshop of the 2020 Inclusion Project was held at Youth Crossroads. Students participated in activities highlighting the life and legacy of Dr. King, introduction to basics of drawing and and the history of murals as a tool of social change.
4-5 workshops were held in January and February 2020, to collaborate on developing an artistic rendering of the mural. Students gathered at Youth Crossroads on Martin Luther Day, January 20, 2020, to begin production of the mural, which was installed on the exterior of Youth Crossroads in the Spring of 2020.
Special thanks to Alderman Jose Ramirez, and individual donors for supporting this project.
Project Partners
The 2020 Inclusion Project provides a great opportunity for local residents and businesses to show the world that Berwyn celebrates cultural and racial diversity, and that we are a great place to live, work, and do business.
It also provides opportunities for our young citizens to use their skills to help build a more healthy and inclusive community. Murals also increase foot traffic and help foster community pride. We hope you value all these things, and contribute to our efforts.
Donations $250+
Logo placement on “The 2020 Inclusion Project” website and Facebook page
Logo placement in email blasts announcing the project sent to BDC, BPAI, Youth Crossroads communities, and to others
Business partner “thank you” on one Instagram post
Business name included in news releases promoting the event
Logo included in opening reception program, and mention by emcee at event
Logo included in event wrap-up video
Image Credits: Event Images WeOurStory | Sabine Krauss