NEW LOCATION — Oak Park & 34th Street


1 railway / 18 artists / 30 murals / 3 sculptures 

The Berwyn Public Art Initiative (BPAI) has begun its largest outdoor mural project to date. 18 artists have begun working on 30 murals and 3 sculptures, all of which will be installed along the BNSF Railway in Berwyn’s Depot District. 

The original RFP was posted on April 3, 2019 and we received 27 submission.
The BPAI curatorial committee selected 15 artists for free-standing murals and 3 for sculptures.

“We are ecstatic to launch this aggressive project with Local and National Artists, our largest single project to date,” says BPAI President Norman Alexandroff. BPAI began work in Berwyn’s Historic Depot district connecting business owners and public buildings with Local, National and International Artists during the summer of 2018 with the goal of spurring economic growth and community pride. “This project will beautify the neighborhood and continue our mission to foster community engagement. We are already enjoying tremendous amounts of feedback and widespread awareness of the positive impact our projects are making in our community.” 

Together with City of Berwyn, BPAI was awarded $25,000 in grant funds from the West Suburban Mass Transit District (WSMTD) for the purposes of Public Art Installations along the BNSF Railway in Berwyn’s Depot District. BPAI has raised an additional $12,500 from the community; Mainstreet Organization of REALTORS (MORe); and the Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) for a total of $37,500, the single largest project for BPAI to date. Stretching from Harlem to Ridgeland Ave., along Windsor and Stanley Streets, there will be 30 free standing murals, and 3 outdoor sculptures permanently installed. These new installations will compliment the 7 murals that already exist in this area.