Our 17 blank cicada sculptures were by May 17 and are ready to install as public art in Berwyn.
Participants: Irving Elementary and Freedom Middle School @berwynsouth100, Jefferson Elementary mrsgsartroom123 / @berwyn98 / bn98.org, North Berwyn Park District @northberwynparkdistrict, South Berwyn Park District @berwynparks (Installation Locations), Berwyn Public Library (Sarah Gutierrez) @dinosora2021 / @berwynlibraryil, Morton High School (Robert Moriarty) morton201.org / @evloverob, @lainey_k25, @themuckery.co, @jessylaubishandmade, @nerfect, @rainbow.nose.bleed, @34Designed , @bohusblahut, @_alena_mendoza_, @ican_dothat (not all participants have online accounts). We also invited Berwyn artists who had purchased or received their cicada directly from the Insect Asylum to share their work: @benjaminnelsonart
Stay Tuned for the Berwyn Map
To be inclusive we created coloring sheets for anyone who would like to participate: Large Cicada Coloring Sheet 1 | Cicada Pattern Coloring Sheet 2
Read all about the background of this project here.